Titoli di Stato Italia Trading Titoli di Stato III° (Gennaio 2010 - Dicembre 2011) (1 Viewer)

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Quanto al fisso decennale, se ti riferisci a titoli di stato, in questo momento mi fanno paura. Gioca a favore solo il fatto che lo spread italiano (per non parlare degli altri PIGS) è esageratamente alto, ma il livello dei tassi lunghi governativi secondo me ora è in piena bolla e prevedo molta volatilità e nervosismo nei prossimi mesi.

Treasuries Headed for Full-Blown Bear Market, Citigroup Says

By Molly Seltzer
Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Treasuries are moving into a “full- blown” bear market as global stimulus packages increase demand for capital, according to Citigroup Inc.
“This may sound a bit ridiculous, but we think we have begun a full-blown bear market in fixed income,” wrote Tom Fitzpatrick, Citigroup’s New York-based chief technical analyst, and London-based strategist Shyam Devani. “The commodity that is going to be the most in demand as far as the eye can see is capital. As a consequence, the cost of capital can only go one way -- up.”
The 30-year bond’s yield may rise to 5 percent by late 2009, the highest level since August 2007, according to Citigroup. The U.S. will probably borrow $2.5 trillion this fiscal year, compared with $892 billion last year, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. The firms are among the 17 primary dealers that trade directly with the Federal Reserve.
The bond’s yield rose 11 basis points, or 0.11 percentage point, to 3.53 percent today. It fell to 2.509 percent on Dec. 18, the lowest level since sales of the security began in 1977.
President Barack Obama’s $819 billion stimulus package, passed in the U.S. House yesterday by a 244-188 vote, is equivalent to one-quarter of the entire federal budget. Countries including the U.K., Germany and India are also increasing spending to boost economic growth.
“The most striking feeling we have as 2009 begins is that there is this wall of consensus negativity about financial markets,” the analysts wrote. “We believe this comes from the need for huge government issuance around the world competing for a scarce resource.”
Increased government spending will spur concern that inflation will accelerate, prompting the greenback to weaken and gold to rise, the analysts added.
To contact the reporter on this story: Molly Seltzer in New York at [email protected]
Last Updated: January 29, 2009 15:09 EST


Senior Member
Treasuries Headed for Full-Blown Bear Market, Citigroup Says

By Molly Seltzer
Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Treasuries are moving into a “full- blown” bear market as global stimulus packages increase demand for capital, according to Citigroup Inc.
“This may sound a bit ridiculous, but we think we have begun a full-blown bear market in fixed income,” wrote Tom Fitzpatrick, Citigroup’s New York-based chief technical analyst, and London-based strategist Shyam Devani. “The commodity that is going to be the most in demand as far as the eye can see is capital. As a consequence, the cost of capital can only go one way -- up.”
The 30-year bond’s yield may rise to 5 percent by late 2009, the highest level since August 2007, according to Citigroup. The U.S. will probably borrow $2.5 trillion this fiscal year, compared with $892 billion last year, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. The firms are among the 17 primary dealers that trade directly with the Federal Reserve.
The bond’s yield rose 11 basis points, or 0.11 percentage point, to 3.53 percent today. It fell to 2.509 percent on Dec. 18, the lowest level since sales of the security began in 1977.
President Barack Obama’s $819 billion stimulus package, passed in the U.S. House yesterday by a 244-188 vote, is equivalent to one-quarter of the entire federal budget. Countries including the U.K., Germany and India are also increasing spending to boost economic growth.
“The most striking feeling we have as 2009 begins is that there is this wall of consensus negativity about financial markets,” the analysts wrote. “We believe this comes from the need for huge government issuance around the world competing for a scarce resource.”
Increased government spending will spur concern that inflation will accelerate, prompting the greenback to weaken and gold to rise, the analysts added.
To contact the reporter on this story: Molly Seltzer in New York at [email protected]
Last Updated: January 29, 2009 15:09 EST

interessante.... sarebbe da postare anche nel 3d del 2037 ...

serious sam

Nuovo forumer
Mi consentite un piccolo suggerimento?
A mio avviso quando si posta un articolo in lingua straniera, sarebbe opportuno farlo precedere da un breve riassunto per facilitarne la comprensione a chi ha problemi nella traduzione.
Potrebbe essere utile pure agli esperti che non volendo dilungarsi nella lettura e traduzione (a volte i pezzi sono veramente lunghi) gradirebbero conoscere il breve sunto del discorso.
Ovviamente è solo un'idea senza alcun intento polemico (per carità!)


oggi è un altro giorno
riflessioni , di chi non sa stare fermo,
e adesso che faccio??????????????????? sono troppo liquido per i miei gusti, penso che al momento il '37 potrebbe offrire poche emozioni , o penso che con un trading in giornata possa spuntare poca robba ,

chi è totalmente fuori come lo sono io?

ah!!! dimenticavo, BTP '37, ti ricordi del vecchietto, che non sbaglia mai,
cosa Vi dicevo è ancora dentro , aspetta il completamento del movimento rialzista a 85.3,

ho dato un'occhiata al titolo, la resistenza tosta dovrebbe essere la linea rossa a 85, il tempo dirà se ho sparato una cazzata :D

il vecchietto lo aveva già citato , Vedere post, non so come fà , ma è uno come me , mi ha insegnato ad usare CARTA E PENNA, i grafici se li costruisce da sè, l' 85.3 è una resistenza IMPORTANTISSIMA, se li rompe facciamo contento il Folignate,;)


oggi è un altro giorno
scusate , se prima non ho aperto la giornata con il mio solito:


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