Ricevere Bonifico Bancario (1 Viewer)

Salve a tutti sono nuovo del forum e spero sia la sezione giusta in cui porre i mio quesito.
dovrei ricevere un bonifico bancario per un oggetto venduto online, dopo aver comunicato iban, bic e nome intestatario ho ricevuto questa mail che però mi sa tanto di fregatura

''This is to let you know that the sum amount of €780,00 EUR has been confirmed and activated into your banking account with the "Poste Italiane S.P.A., Roma Italia" as the money was transferred via internet banking from the Payee "xxxxx" bank account through our banking sector.

The transaction reference number is "xxxxx" while the sum amount of money has been locked on your banking account. But the sum amount of money was locked on your banking account in other to protect the Payee and Receiver from any cheating actions across the country.

The sum amount of money has being confirmed, activated on your bank account since some hours ago, but you can not see it now because there's an activation unlocking link code which you need to unlock the sum amount of money into your banking account, as this would make you see the money visible in your banking account.

This process is the most secure Remittance Banking Wire transfer where the Internet Police Organization are involved in any transaction made throughout the whole wide world.

You will have to send the Merchandise to the Payee's shipping address and confirm the consignment number to us, along side with the shipment invoice, so we can verify the shipment with the Courier and send you the activation unlocking link code immediately.

You will have to click on the Activation unlocking link code, while the amount of money would be seen in your banking account within some seconds only.

We will want your swift co-operation in other to finalize the transaction.

We are highly looking forward to your feedback.

We will highly be waiting for a sincere response from you.

Thanks again for accepting us.''

Non ho mai sentito parlare di questo tipo di bonifici.
Qualcuno ha avuto esperienze simili o può confermare o smentire i miei dubbi?
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
non mandargli un bel niente
non esistono proprio bonifici siffatti
da noi ci sono al max quelli irrevocabili ma serve un notaio
i bonifici poi si possono sempre revocare entro 2 ore, o addirittura finche' non sono giunti al destinatario(quindi giorni)...quindi immagina te che sicurezza
uno puo' andare in banca, farti vedere la distinta, tornare in banca e revocarlo....tu spedisci e resti a secco

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