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too fast for love
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in Italia i 56,2% delle donne di età superiore a 11 anni hanno consumato almeno una bevanda alcolica nel corso dell’anno per un totale di oltre 15.700.000 persone e nel corso degli ultimi anni il dato è aumentato, sebbene non si riscontrino variazioni significative rispetto all’anno precedente. Il 6,4% delle donne ha inoltre consumato alcol in modalità abituale eccedentaria, il 22,4% lontano dai pasti, il 3,9% in modalità binge drinking (abbuffata di alcolici o bere fino a ubriacarsi) e il 9,4% delle donne ha consumato alcol in modalità a rischio per la loro salute, pari a circa 2.600.000 persone


too fast for love


too fast for love
Ukraine Is Advancing, and Russia Is Retreating, but President Zelensky Has a Big Problem
Unemployment had reached 35 percent by the second quarter of this year, according to the National Bank of Ukraine. The poverty rate, 2.5 percent in 2020, may approach 25 percent by December and twice that by the end of next year. Wartime upheaval and destruction have been especially hard on children; nearly half a million more in Ukraine have been pushed into poverty, the second-largest share in the region.
Estimates for reconstructing postwar Ukraine range from $349 billion to $750 billion — even before the full extent of the destruction can be foreseen.
The World Bank projects that Ukraine’s G.D.P. will shrink by 35 percent this year, and other estimates predict that the contraction could be as much as 40 percent.
Ukraine’s monthly budget deficit totals $5 billion, and the government has been forced to seek emergency assistance from the West and the International Monetary Fund. Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said recently that given the anticipated gap between expenditures and revenues, his country will need $42 billion in aid for 2023. President Volodymyr Zelensky added another $17 billion for rebuilding damaged or destroyed power plants and housing. Together, these amounts equal nearly 30 percent of Ukraine’s current G.D.P.
Already, Ukraine, which had planned to earn 1.5 billion euros next year from electricity sales to the European Union, has had to suspend exports and may have to rely on foreign suppliers to meet domestic needs.

... ma attenzione, secondo i pennivendoli è la Russia ad essere in grossa crisi economica.
La riduzione del prodotto interno lordo è al 4 per cento nel trimestre che va da agosto a ottobre, secondo i dati diffusi dal servizio statistico della Federazione russa Rosstat.
Altri dati: l’inflazione ha raggiunto il 12,9 per cento il mese scorso, nel 2023 si spera che non vada oltre il 7 per cento.
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