Journal to portfolio afterlife (1 Viewer)


too fast for love



too fast for love
In un anno è triplicato il deficit energetico nella bilancia commerciale italiana. L'Istat stima che è di -7,263 miliardi a febbraio 2022, mentre nello stesso mese del 2021 era di -2,213 miliardi. Complessivamente l'Italia passa così, in dodici mesi, da un avanzo commerciale complessivo di 4,750 miliardi a un disavanzo di 1,662 miliardi.


too fast for love
Zelensky ha provato a chiedersi, e cito le sue parole, come mai hanno questo atteggiamento i " forti del mondo"?
"Il catastrofico svolgersi degli eventi potrebbe ancora essere fermato se il mondo trattasse la situazione in Ucraina come tale. Se i forti del mondo non flirtassero con la Russia, ma insistessero davvero per porre fine alla guerra". E' il monito del presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky in un video.


too fast for love
Deglobalisation will effectively create an “every man for himself” mentality amongst the nations of the world: What was until recently highly integrated - supply chains, energy supplies, foodstuffs and agricultural enabling products, and the like - will become successively disintegrated. Nations will have to become more self-reliant and the world will become a more dangerous place altogether, with self-interest openly replacing cooperation as the dominant theme.
The consensus view is that the Fed will raise rates aggressively if oil hits $200. I have a contrarian view—at $200, they’ll panic. They’ll blame Putin, hedonically adjust the numbers, and go back to money printing, just like they did with COVID.
Food, energy, shelter…anything else? Oh yes. Money. As well as having to pay for more for just about everything, the long-suffering public in every single country on the planet is watching their savings being eaten away in 5-10% annual chunks with no chance of ameliorating that destruction of real wealth through interest-bearing investments of the sort they have been instructed to hold as prudent stewards of their retirement funds.
Although we all face more or less the same threats and evolving changes to our environment, their impact will be differently felt by each of us and it is up to us to calibrate the appropriate response for our situation.


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