Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (2 lettori)

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Euro in rialzo a 1,4396 dollari

Lieve progresso a 115,59 yen

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 GIU - Lievi rialzi per l'euro nei confronti di dollaro e yen. Nei primi scambi sui mercati valutari europei, la moneta unica passa di mano a 1,4396 dollari (contro la quotazione Bce di ieri di 1,4373 dollari) ed a 115,59 yen (115,20 yen la Bce di ieri).


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Borse europee viste poco mosse, attesa per Fed

mercoledì 22 giugno 2011 08:00

PARIGI, 22 giugno (Reuters) - Le borse europee sono attese poco mosse in avvio dopo il rally di ieri, sulla scia del voto di fiducia ottenuto dal governo greco.
L'attenzione degli investitori sembra essersi spostata dalla Grecia alla conclusione del meeting di due giorni del Fomc della Fed, con l'annuncio della riconferma dei tassi di interesse e la conferenza stampa del presidente Ben Bernanke.
Gli spreadbetter finanziari si aspettano che il FTSE 100 .FTSE apra in calo di 5-10 punti (-0,2%), che il DAX .GDAXI ceda dai 3 ai 17 punti in avvio (-0,2%) e che il CAC-40 .FCHI perda 3-4 punti (-0,1%).
Ieri l'indice delle blue chips europee Euro STOXX 50 .STOXX50E ha chiuso in rialzo del 2%, anche se con volumi relativamente bassi.
Ieri in tarda serata, il Parlamento greco ha votato la fiducia al nuovo governo di Papandreou, che oggi dovrebbe approvare nuove misure d'austerità, chieste da Ue e Fmi in cambio della quinta tranche di aiuti da 12 miliardi.


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Government wins confidence vote

Socialist MP close ranks behind PM with all 155 giving him their support


Prime Minister George Papandreou early Wednesday secured a vote of confidence in his new Cabinet, buoying the ruling Socialists ahead of a vote next Tuesday on a new raft of austerity measures.
All 155 lawmakers of ruling PASOK expressed their support in the roll call, significantly above the absolute majority of 151 votes required by Greece’s 300-seat Parliament. Of the opposition MPs, 143 declared a no-confidence vote and two abstained.
“All Greeks have the duty and the ability to change this country,” Papandreou said in a rousing speech ahead of the vote which he described as «a contract with the Greek people."
The Greek premier, who is on Thursday to travel again to Brussels following a scheduled session of his new Cabinet on Wednesday, appeared to have succeeded in instilling some discipline in his party with last week’s reshuffle. Following a week of political turmoil that saw two Socialist party MPs, Giorgos Floridis and Ektoras Nasiokas, give up their seats in Parliament, PASOK deputies clearly closed ranks in the vote.
Earlier some PASOK skeptics had indicated that their backing was not unconditional. Panayiotis Kouroublis, who has indicated in recent weeks that he might vote against the government’s midterm program, told Parliament, “I will vote for the government tonight but that does not mean I’m giving it carte blanche.”
One development that caused a stir on Tuesday night was a decision by Andreas Makrypidis - a Socialist MP who had been given the task of submitting the government’s midterm program in Parliament - to step aside. Makrypidis cited “personal reasons” though sources said he was angered at not being elevated to a ministry position in the recent cabinet reshuffle.
In a related development, the Council of State deemed that the memorandum - Greece’s agreement with its creditors to implement reforms in exchange for emergency funding - was constitutional. The court threw out appeals by the Athens Bar Association, the civil servants’ union ADEDY and GSEE, which represents workers in the private sector.
Also on Tuesday, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe - known as the ALDE group - adopted a proposal for an alternative to the Greek government’s austerity program made by former Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis, who leads the centrist Democratic Alliance party.
Bakoyannis’s proposal does not focus on public sector spending cuts and tax increases but foresees the creation of a national investment fund that would be partly financed by revenue from the privatization of state assets.

ekathimerini.com , Tuesday June 21, 2011 (02:02)


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Drug firm chief warns Greece over payments

The chief executive of Swiss drug firm Nycomed SCA has warned that Greek hospitals could face medicine shortages if the government continues to fall behind with payments.
“This is a major issue,” Hakan Bjorklund told the Wall Street Journal in an interview yesterday. Greece started paying pharmaceutical firms with government bonds since last year.
“In reality, this means we’re not getting all of the money they owe us. If the situation gets totally out of hand and we don’t think we will get paid in the end, we simply cannot continue to deliver products.”
Nycomed generates revenues of between 30 and 40 million euros a year in Greece, according to the WSJ.

ekathimerini.com , Tuesday June 21, 2011 (22:09)


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Le prime battute in preapertura, dell'indice telematico di Atene, indicano spread poco mossi a 1430 pb, intorno ai minimi raggiunti ieri.


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Government receives vote of confidence

The government of Prime Minister George Papandreou received, in the early hors of Wednesday, a vote of confidence, at the end of a three-day debate that began last Sunday. 155 ruling PASOK deputies voted for, while 143 deputies of the opposition parties voted against. 298 deputies out the 300-member House took part in the vote.

Papandreou announced last Wednesday his intention to ask for a vote of confidence in Parliament. Last Friday he proceeded with a reshuffle of his government.

Addressing Parliament late on Tuesday night, Papandreou reiterated his call for national consensus for the country's exit from the present economic crisis, saying his was asking for a vote of confidence to his government in order to "continue the national struggle for the country's salvation and reconstruction."

He said he was asking a renewal of the vote of confidence "with the clear patriotic target to handle the country's public debt, to avoid the country's default and to guarantee that Greece remains in the European Union's hard core."

The prime minister also insisted on consensus and on a broader alliance of political forces inviting all parties and mainly the main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader to help in the effort for the salvation of the country without taking into consideration any political cost.

"It is a difficult task. But it can give birth to a new Greece... It is a unique opportunity," Papandreou added.

"The government sought and is still seeking broader consensus. I congratulate those forces which had the courage to vote responsible in favour of the memorandum,"
the premier also noted.



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Il voto era sulla fiducia verso il governo Papandreou.
Il voto del 28 sarà un voto verso il piano di "Medio termine", voluto dalla Troika e approvato da Papandreou.
Quindi ci potrebbe essere qualche convergenza che va aldilà degli schieramenti politici.
buon inizio di giornata, tommy; ho appreso che la fiducia è stata incassata; come giustamente fai notare, ci sono buone prospettive per l'approvazione del piano di austerità....
vediamo se il mercato, ci regalerà qualche piccolo recupero....


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Grecia, Pimco prevede default su debito sovrano

mercoledì 22 giugno 2011 08:33

TAIPEI, 22 giugno (Reuters) - Il numero uno di Pimco, primo fondo obbligazionario mondiale, prevede per la Grecia e altri paesi della zona euro un default sovrano nella cornice dell'attuale crisi sul debito.
Il governo ellenico ha ottenuto nella notte il voto di fiducia del Parlamento, spianando così la strada all'adozione del pacchetto di austerità condizionale all'ottenimento della prossima tranche degli aiuti di Unione europea e Fondo monetario internazionale.
"Nei prossimi tre anni vedremo diversi paesi lavorare a diversi problemi. Nel caso delle economie europee questo avverrà attraverso il default" dichiara il direttore generale Pimco Mohamed El-Erian.
El-Erian ha lasciato intendere già in passato che Atene avrebbe fatto default e i fondi europei sarebbero stati iniettati inutilmente.
In caso di insolvenza, Pimco prevede possa scatenarsi una nuova crisi finanziaria mondiale.
Atene ha tempo fino a martedì prossimo per far adottare al parlamento l'ennesima manovra correttiva del valore di 28 miliardi a cinque anni.

In italiano.
Vedono sempre "nero"...
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