Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4 (8 lettori)

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Vista la tua esperienza, vorrei chiederti se per te ha senso il rendimento dei TBOND americani 10 anni, che non salgono oltre il 2%, anzi stanno scendendo verso l'1,7%, nonostante le prospettive di n rialzi dei tassi e inflazione reale al 7% che erode il valore soprattutto del settore obbligazionario.
Per me ci sono tanti "nonsense" in questo mondo finanziario, drogato... anzi falsato da anni e anni di pompaggio da parte delle banche centrali.
La montagna di liquidità immessa ha alimentato a dismisura il trading e la speculazione (visto che non si trova altro ambito dove generare rendimento!!) e queste oscillazioni monstre ne sono una delle conseguenze.

Un pezzo sul new york times risponde alla tua domanda, in sintesi:

The major reasons for this odd phenomenon include long-term expectations about inflation, a large (and unequally distributed) surge in wealth worldwide and the growing ranks of retiring baby boomers who want to protect their nest eggs against the volatility of stocks.

Long-run inflation expectations are still relatively anchored at an annual rate of about 2.4 percent over the next 10 years. This indicates that markets think the Fed will prevent inflation from spiraling upward, despite the huge increase in debt and the supply of dollars.

“To have truly risk-free returns and storage of your dollars, where else are you going to put them?” asked Daniel Alpert, a managing partner of the investment bank Westwood Capital.
As the principle of supply and demand would suggest, the combination of high demand and low supply has helped keep Treasury bond prices high, which in turn produces lower yields.
Demographic changes are affecting bond trends, too. As they approach or reach retirement, hundreds of millions of people across developed economies are looking for safer places than the stock market for their assets.


Listino e panino
Un pezzo sul new york times risponde alla tua domanda, in sintesi:

The major reasons for this odd phenomenon include long-term expectations about inflation, a large (and unequally distributed) surge in wealth worldwide and the growing ranks of retiring baby boomers who want to protect their nest eggs against the volatility of stocks.

Long-run inflation expectations are still relatively anchored at an annual rate of about 2.4 percent over the next 10 years. This indicates that markets think the Fed will prevent inflation from spiraling upward, despite the huge increase in debt and the supply of dollars.

“To have truly risk-free returns and storage of your dollars, where else are you going to put them?” asked Daniel Alpert, a managing partner of the investment bank Westwood Capital.
As the principle of supply and demand would suggest, the combination of high demand and low supply has helped keep Treasury bond prices high, which in turn produces lower yields.
Demographic changes are affecting bond trends, too. As they approach or reach retirement, hundreds of millions of people across developed economies are looking for safer places than the stock market for their assets.
Quindi l'investitore medio americano comunque compra TBond al 1,7% perché l'inflazione media attesa è il 2,4%? :rolleyes:

E va beh, aspettiamo che accada quel qualcosa che farà scendere l'inflazione di almeno 5 punti... (una recessione, ma senza che venga declassato un debito in ascesa esponenziale?)
Per me il sentiero è sempre più stretto...


Forumer storico
Buongiorno, buon pomeriggio ormai.
Cosa mi son perso stamattina ?

il mm di DE000VQ7XV30 qlk ha notato se si è presentato ?
vedo la pag web ferma alla quotazione di ieri in chiusura
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