Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti Obbligazioni Brasile e Petrobras (1 Viewer)


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...otttimo e siamo solo ad agosto. Vado errato o di nuovo le famosi previsioni di soli 12 mesi fà guardavano a una comunque robusta crescita???:-D:-D:-D

Come sempre attendere le previsioni di settembre per l'anno successivo ,dividerle per due e togliere ancora un 25 % lì il risultato...:-D:-D:-D


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pensavo con la crisi in Argentina di vedere tensione sui tds brasiliani o almeno vederli calare di qualche figura . invece il brazil 37 e' sempre li granitico a 129/130.

...l'economia Brasiliana comunque è un economia forte e ai mercati di quella Argentina oggi non importa nulla. Credo che le esposizioni sul paese siano minime...


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Brazil's government should resist calls to relax spending cap rules to avoid a sharp deterioration in public finances, Treasury Secretary Mansueto Almeida said on Wednesday. Reuters


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BRAZILIA--Brazil's weakening currency steadied Thursday after the country's central bank announced it will sell dollars from its vast reserves next week for the first time in 10 years, following disturbing news from some of its largest trade partners.
The Brazilian real was trading at 4.02 per dollar, slightly stronger than 4.04 per dollar the day before but still weaker than 3.94 per dollar it closed at Friday.
The central bank said it will sell $3.84 billion between Aug. 21 and 29, roughly 1% of its total reserves of hard currency, while also offering reverse-swap contracts that amount to future purchases of dollars. The final result, the bank said in a statement, will leave the reserves' balance stable. It was $388.1 billion as of June.


Caribbean Trader
Rating Action:
Moody's affirms Petrobras' Ba2 ratings and raises its BCA to ba2; outlook remains stable

23 Aug 2019
New York, August 23, 2019 -- Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) affirmed the Ba2 corporate family rating of Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. - PETROBRAS (Petrobras). Simultaneously, Moody's raised the company's baseline credit assessment (BCA) to ba2 from ba3. The actions were triggered by the company's continued success in improving its credit metrics and liquidity position. The rating outlook is stable.



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The government of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro saw its approval rating plunge to 29.4% from a previous level of 39% in February, according to a poll by CNT/MDA on Monday. Reuters


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A Brazilian Supreme Court justice believes jailed ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva deserves a retrial after leaked social media conversations appeared to show the judge hearing Brazil's largest-ever corruption case collaborated with prosecutors.Reuters


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SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazilian conglomerate Odebrecht SA, which has been in bankruptcy protection since June, has proposed to creditors a swap of their debt for instruments similar to equity, according to a statement issued on Monday.
The instruments would give creditors the rights to receive proceeds of the asset sales and future profits of the companies controlled by the conglomerate.
The plan, which the statement said Odebrecht filed with the court late on Monday, has no explicit discount on the 51 billion reais (10 billion pounds) debt that is being restructured. But it is unclear how much creditors could receive of the debt or within what time frame they could receive even a fraction of the debt.
Creditors will be able to receive proceeds of sales of assets owned by the conglomerate or one of its 21 subsidiaries that filed for bankruptcy, which include companies that own power as well as infrastructure assets and real estate.
Creditors could also receive potential future profits of the companies. As the conglomerate has no recurring revenue, the instruments similar to equity were the only solution devised by the restructuring advisors, two people with knowledge of the matter said.


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Brasile: incendi Amazzonia, 18 marchi internazionali sospendono acquisto di cuoio brasiliano

Brasilia, 28 ago 19:06 - (Agenzia Nova) - Alcuni grandi marchi internazionali di abbigliamento e accessori hanno sospeso l'acquisto di cuoio brasiliano come forma di protesta contro le politiche ambientali del paese. Lo rende noto il portale di informazione economica "Infomoney". Si tratta dei marchi Timberland, Dickies, Kipling, Vans, Kodiak, Terra, Walls, Workrite, Eagle Creek, Eastpack, The North Face, Napapijri, Bulwark, Altra, Icebreaker, Smartwoll e Horace Small. La decisione è stata comunicata al ministro dell'Ambiente, Ricardo Salles, attraverso una lettera inviata da parte del Centro delle industrie di confezioni del Brasile (Cicbc), che raggruppa le società esportatrici di cuoio. Secondo quanto contenuto nel documento, le notizie relative agli incendi in Amazzonia hanno motivato la decisione delle 18 compagnie di sospendere le forniture dal Brasile. Il presidente del Cicbc, Josè Fernando Bello, ha chiesto che il ministero conceda particolare attenzione alla situazione, che definisce "dannosa per l'immagine del Brasile sul mercato internazionale". (segue) (Brb)
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