I Contenuti più Recenti di Blondergi

  1. Come costruire un portafoglio ideale

    One way to save yourself from inflation and grow your portfolio are dividend growth stocks. That's Because as the dividend Increases, it could offset or factor out inflation with a high dividend growth rate. However, there are many different dividend growth stocks in many different sectors. All...
  2. Buy and Hold Stocks

    Dividend investing might not be as exciting as trying to find the latest tech stock that is about to soar, but that’s because dividend investing is a long-term sport for patient investors. Dividends are typically paid out by larger, well-established companies and have become increasingly popular...
  3. Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1

    The 10 best dividend stocks of 2017 will be large-cap stocks with a long history of providing investors with capital appreciation and a high-yield dividend That gets raised annually. These include P&G, Target Corp.
  4. Trading immobiliare! Porchetto ci illumina con le sue idee!

    Whether you’re investing for your retirement or just saving for the future, the retirement business is growing and should not be ignored. With the market and savings accounts not returning much in the form of interest, SNH stock is a great high-dividend stock and more importantly has future...
  5. Investing in 2017

    Top tech stocks of 2016 are going to remain a good option in 2017 as well. Stocks of Microsoft, Intel, and Cisco look good for now.